Whereas, Section 10, Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides that the State shall promote social justice in all phases of national development;
Whereas, Section 17, Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution also provides that the State shall recognize, respect and protect the rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions and institutions;
Whereas, paragraph C, Article V of the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) provides that the political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights through participation in the government and in the conduct of public affairs shall be promoted and protected;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples of Iligan City Philippines have been protected by the National Government as mandated by the Republic Act 8371 otherwise known as Indigenous Peoples Rights Acts of 1997 AN ACT TO RECOGNIZE, PROTECT AND PROMOTE THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS CULTURAL COMMUNITIES/ INDIGENOUS PEOPLES;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples of Iligan City Philippines have been bestowed rights mandated by the Republic Act 8371 such as the Rights to Ancestral Domains, Right of Ownership, Right to Develop Lands and Natural Resources, Right to Stay in the Territories, Right in Case of Displacement, Right to Regulate Entry of Migrants, Right to Safe and Clean Air and Water, Right to Claim Parts of Reservations, Right to Resolve Conflict, Rights to Ancestral Lands, Right to transfer land/property and Right to Redemption;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples of Iligan City Philippines have been bestowed rights mandated by the Republic Act 8371 such as the RIGHT TO SELF-GOVERNANCE AND EMPOWERMENT wherein the State recognizes the inherent right of ICCs/IPs to self-governance and self-determination and respects the integrity of their values, practices and institutions. Consequently, the State shall guarantee the right of ICCs/IPs to freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development;
Whereas, the City Government of Iligan should follow the legal mandate of RA 8371 SEC. 20. Means for Development/Empowerment of ICCs/lPs. - The Government shall establish the means for the full development/ empowerment of the ICCs/IPs own institutions and initiatives and, where necessary, provide the resources needed thereof;
Whereas, the City Government of Iligan should follow the legal mandate of RA 8371 SEC. 21. Equal Protection and Non-discrimination of ICCs/lPs. -Consistent with the equal protection clause of the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights including the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women and International Human Rights Law, the State shall, with due recognition of their distinct characteristics and identity accord to the members of the ICCs/IPs the rights, protections and privileges enjoyed by the rest of the citizenry. It shall extend to them the same employment rights, opportunities, basic services, educational and other rights and privileges available to every member of the society. Accordingly, the State shall likewise ensure that the employment of any form of force or coercion against ICCs/IPs shall be dealt with by law;
Whereas, the State shall ensure that the fundamental human rights and freedoms as enshrined in the Constitution and relevant international instruments are guaranteed also to indigenous women. Towards this end, no provision in this Act shall be interpreted so as to result in the diminution of rights and privileges already recognized and accorded to women under existing laws of general application;
Whereas, the Government should follow the legal mandate of RA 8371 SEC. 23. Freedom from Discrimination and Right to Equal Opportunity and Treatment. - It shall be the right of the ICCs/IPs to be free from any form of discrimination, with respect to recruitment and conditions of employment, such that they may enjoy equal opportunities for admission to employment, medical and social assistance, safety as well as other occupationally -related benefits, informed of their rights under existing labor legislation and of means available to them for redress, not subject to any coercive recruitment systems, including bonded labor and other forms of debt servitude; and equal treatment in employment for men and women, including the protection from sexual harassment;
Whereas, towards this end, the State shall, within the framework of national laws and regulations, and in cooperation with the ICCs/IPs concerned, adopt special measures to ensure the effective protection with regard to the recruitment and conditions of employment of persons belonging;
Whereas, the Government should have plans and programs as mandated by RA 8371 SEC. 25. Basic Services. - The ICCs/IPs have the right to special measures for the immediate, effective and continuing improvement of their economic and social conditions, including in the areas of employment, vocational training and retraining, housing, sanitation, health and social security. Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of indigenous women, elderly, youth, children and differently-abled persons. Accordingly, the State shall guarantee the right of ICCs/IPs to government's basic services which shall include, but not limited to, water and electrical facilities, education, health and infrastructure;
Whereas, the government should strictly observe the RA 8371 SEC. 26. Women. - ICC/IP women shall enjoy equal rights and opportunities with men, as regards the social, economic, political and cultural spheres of life. The participation of indigenous women in the decision-making process in all levels, as well as in the development of society, shall be given due respect and recognition;
Whereas, the State shall provide full access to education, maternal and child care, health and nutrition, and housing services to indigenous women. Vocational, technical, professional and other forms of training shall be provided to enable these women to fully participate in all aspects of social life. As far as possible, the State shall ensure that indigenous women have access to all services in their own languages;
Whereas, the government should strictly observe the RA 8371 SEC. 27. Children and Youth. - The State shall recognize the vital role of the children and youth of ICCs/IPs in nation-building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. Towards this end, the State shall support all government programs intended for the development and rearing of the children and youth of ICCs/IPs for civic efficiency and establish such mechanisms as may be necessary for the protection of the rights of the indigenous children and youth;
Whereas, the government should strictly observe the RA 8371 SEC. 28. Integrated System of Education. - The State shall, through the NCIP, provide a complete, adequate and integrated system of education, relevant to the needs of the children and young people of ICCs/ IPs;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples of Iligan City Philippines must have been protected by the National Government as mandated by the Republic Act 8371 Chapter 6 CULTURAL INTEGRITY SEC. 29. Protection of Indigenous Culture, Traditions and Institutions. - The State shall respect, recognize and protect the right of ICCs/IPs to preserve and protect their culture, traditions and institutions. It shall consider these rights in the formulation and application of national plans and policies;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples of Iligan City Philippines should be given due course as mandated by RA 8371 SEC. 30. Educational Systems. - The State shall provide equal access to various cultural opportunities to the ICCs/IPs through the educational system, public or private cultural entities, scholarships, grants and other incentives without prejudice to their right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions by providing education in their own language, in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning. Indigenous children/youth shall have the right to all levels and forms of education of the State;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines should be given due course and recognized as mandated by RA 8371 SEC. 31. Recognition of Cultural Diversity. - The State shall endeavor to have the dignity and diversity of the cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations of the ICCs/IPs appropriately reflected in all forms of education, public information and cultural-educational exchange. Consequently, the State shall take effective measures, in consultation with ICCs/IPs concerned, to eliminate prejudice and discrimination and to promote tolerance, understanding and good relations among ICCs/IPs and all segments of society. Furthermore, the Government shall take effective measures to ensure that State-owned media duly reflect indigenous cultural diversity. The State shall likewise ensure the participation of appropriate indigenous leaders in schools, communities and international cooperative undertakings like festivals, conferences, seminars and workshops to promote and enhance their distinctive heritage and values;
Whereas, the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines should be given enough budget as mandated by RA 8371 SEC. 36. Sustainable Agro-Technical Development. - The State shall recognize the right of ICCs/IPs to a sustainable agro-technological development and shall formulate and implement programs of action for its effective implementation. The State shall likewise promote the big-genetic and resource management systems among the ICCs/IPs shall encourage cooperation among government agencies to ensure the successful sustainable development of ICCs/IPs;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities observed that the local government of Iligan City under the Office of Muslim and Higaonon Affairs duly managed by Dra. Ambalong formulated a framework or plans and programs outside the framework of Cultural Integrity and Self Empowerment of Indigenous Peoples as reflected on the Republic Act 8371 otherwise known as Indigenous Peoples Rights Acts of 1997;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities observed that the local government of Iligan City gives priority projects for development in the coastal areas and that the IP Leaders found out that there were no equal distributions of benefits to all clientele/beneficiary including the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities observed that the local governments are found to have unequally distribute benefits to the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines have formed the Advocacy on Tribal Organizations and Networks Incorporated and the Tri-people Youth CC Inc. in AD/L in cognizance to RA 8371 SEC. 19. Role of Peoples Organizations. The State shall recognize and respect the role of independent ICCs/IPs organizations to enable the ICCs/IPs to pursue and protect their legitimate and collective interests and aspirations through peaceful and lawful means;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines have formed the Advocacy of Tribal Organizations and Networks Incorporated and the Tri-people Youth CC Inc. in AD/L in cognizance to RA 8371 otherwise known as the Indigenous Peoples Rights Acts of 1997 should be given funds allocated for its plans and programs for the Indigenous Peoples of the Seven (7) Indigenous Cultural Communities of the Philippines;
Whereas, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines have formed the Advocacy of Tribal Organizations and Networks Incorporated in cognizance to RA 8371 otherwise known as the Indigenous Peoples Rights Acts of 1997 should be given funds allocated for its operations in community development that focuses mainly on Education, Peacebuilding, Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Agro-Technological Development, Agroforestry, Afforestation, Reforestation and Forest Conservation Programme;
Whereas, the ICCs/IPs have noticed that all the above cited rights have never been acknowledged and respected to the fullest extent possible since the beginning of government operation;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Tribal Leaders, Datus, Sultans, Baylans and Baes of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples of the Philippine Republic, in accordance with the customary laws and practices during the conduct of the above mentioned manifesto/tribal mandatory activities, do hereby approved/grant and adopt the plans and programs of the Advocacy of Tribal Organizations and Networks Incorporated and the Tri-people Youth CC Inc. in AD/L as a great agent for Self Governance and Assertion of the Mandate as reflected in the Republic Act 8371 otherwise known as Indigenous Peoples Rights Acts of 1997.
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ReplyDeleteSo that the government would allocate budget for the set Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plans of the entire Philippines.
# 28
10:11, Nov 06, Mrs. BOUCHON LOPEZ, France
# 27
00:44, Nov 06, Mr. Stefano Serpico, Italy
# 26
03:28, Nov 05, Ms. Evelyn Rees, Germany
# 25
20:30, Nov 03, Mr. erlow talatala, Philippines
gov't. shoul!!!
# 24
03:01, Nov 02, Mr. John Brewer, OH
# 23
02:07, Nov 02, Mr. Bill C, Germany
# 21
00:45, Nov 02, Name not displayed, CA
# 20
23:23, Nov 01, Mrs. Patricia Vazquez, Mexico
# 19
20:55, Nov 01, Mr. Theodore Shayne, ON
# 18
17:24, Nov 01, Name not displayed, Australia
# 17
17:07, Nov 01, Ms. Jelica Roland, Croatia
# 16
13:41, Nov 01, Mrs. Elaine Bainbridge, Virgin Islands, British
# 15
13:25, Nov 01, Mrs. Barbara Vieira, NY
# 14
12:45, Nov 01, Mr. Dominador Magarin, Philippines
# 13
12:44, Nov 01, Mr. Wim Zunnebeld, France
# 12
11:31, Nov 01, Mr. Benny Lihayan, Philippines
# 11
11:19, Nov 01, Name not displayed, BC
Make it happen!
# 10
11:14, Nov 01, Mr. Catman Purrfect, GA
# 9
09:45, Nov 01, Mr. Ed Vieira, NY
# 8
09:30, Nov 01, Mr. David Moore, CT
# 7
09:28, Nov 01, Mr. Chris Chiappetta, MA
# 6
08:28, Nov 01, Name not displayed, Germany
# 5
08:18, Nov 01, Mr. paul murphy, Ireland
# 4
07:56, Nov 01, Ms. Katarzyna Gawron, Poland
# 3
07:45, Nov 01, Mr. Frans Badenhorst, South Africa
# 2
06:28, Nov 01, Mr. Rey So-ong, Philippines
# 1
06:26, Nov 01, Mr. arnold garbanzos, Philippines
God bless the Hinterlands of Iligan